Cloud-integrated billing. No procurement required.
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Free1 DiscrimiNAT instance for up to 31 days
StandardCloud built-in billing, no procurement
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$0.27per DiscrimiNAT instance per hour
$197.64equivalent monthly cost
EnterpriseFor multi-VPC, distributed teams
↗Everything in Standard tier
↗Custom IaC Modules
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Comparative example against AWS Network Firewall Pricing Example 2:
• 1,440 hrs of usage (720 hrs in a month * 2 network firewall endpoints): $0.395 * 1,440 hrs = $568.80
• 5,000 GB of outbound traffic processed: $0.065/GB * 5,000 GB processed = $325
• Total: $568.80 + $325 = $893.80 per month
But with DiscrimiNAT Firewall:
• 1,440 hrs of usage (720 hrs in a month * 2 instances): $0.27 * 1,440 hrs = $388.80 (DiscrimiNAT fees)
• 1,440 hrs of t3.small instances: $0.0208 * 1,440 hrs = $29.95
• 5,000 GB of outbound traffic processed: $0/GB * 5,000 GB processed = $0
• Total: $388.80 + $29.95 + $0 = $418.75 per month
• 1,440 hrs of usage (720 hrs in a month * 2 network firewall endpoints): $0.395 * 1,440 hrs = $568.80
• 5,000 GB of outbound traffic processed: $0.065/GB * 5,000 GB processed = $325
• Total: $568.80 + $325 = $893.80 per month
But with DiscrimiNAT Firewall:
• 1,440 hrs of usage (720 hrs in a month * 2 instances): $0.27 * 1,440 hrs = $388.80 (DiscrimiNAT fees)
• 1,440 hrs of t3.small instances: $0.0208 * 1,440 hrs = $29.95
• 5,000 GB of outbound traffic processed: $0/GB * 5,000 GB processed = $0
• Total: $388.80 + $29.95 + $0 = $418.75 per month