Can Teeth Fall Out After Deep Cleaning?

You are here looking for the no BS answer to the question: Can Teeth Fall Out After Deep Cleaning?

Deep cleaning is essential for improving the health of your gums, teeth. It entails cleaning the teeth down the roots, eliminating heavy plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth gum line and roots.

In addition, the dentist smooths the roots of the teeth to remove tartar building, promoting gum health and helping ensure the gum reattaches after the procedure.

In most cases, dentists recommend this non-surgical treatment after early gum disease diagnosis.

They use manual tools and ultrasonic vibrations to remove the tartar and prevent it from causing further infections. 

As beneficial as deep cleaning might seem, there are several concerns regarding the process.

A prevalent unsettling detail about the procedure is can teeth fall out after deep cleaning?

Moreover, is deep dental cleaning necessary, and how does it impact your oral health? 

This post elucidates more on the deep dental cleaning procedure, its advantages and possible drawbacks, and, importantly, answers the question: can teeth fall out after deep cleaning.

Can Teeth Fall Out After Deep Cleaning?

As already outlined, deep cleaning, also called periodontal scaling or root planing, is a non-surgical treatment performed on patients with early signs of gum disease.

Gum infections like periodontitis can definitely, in the long run, affect your gum, your teeth and even cause one or more teeth to lose.

Signs that an individual might require deep cleaning include bleeding gums, receding gums, and loose teeth. Periodontal scaling can reverse the effects of these conditions. 

First and foremost, deep cleaning begins as typical teeth cleaning as the dentist examines any signs of gum disease.

Once they identify an underlying condition, they proceed to deep cleaning, removing accumulated plaque and tartar from the teeth, gum line, and the pockets developed inside.

Then, the dentist smoothens the surface to facilitate healing and ensure the gums reattach.

It’s highly improbable for teeth to fall out after a deep cleaning. 

However, you may face some post-cleaning complications, including nerve damage in teeth, tooth pain, infection, tooth sensitivity, receding gums, etc. The main motive of cleaning is to avoid this problem.  

But you can consult your dentist about these problems, and they can easily be cured at the initial phase. Even so, if you ignore these problems, in the long run, it can be problematic, and you can lose your teeth.

So, to get it straight, you cannot lose your teeth after deep cleaning, but the complications you may face after cleaning can eventually lead to tooth loss only if not curbed at the right time.

We suggest you never end up in this situation and do dental cleaning regularly to avoid deposition of tartar and plaque on your teeth and gums.

Advantages of Deep Cleaning

If you do not do a regular dental cleaning, there is a tendency that your teeth may shift away from your gums. This happens because you have gum disease.

As the infection intensifies, the space between your gum and teeth widens up.

This eventually causes your teeth bone to loosen up, and you may lose teeth.

Thus, it is essential to do regular dental cleaning or even if you have the slightest gum disease, go for deep cleaning if you don’t want to lose your teeth.

There are various other advantages of deep cleaning like:

  • Preventing gum diseases
  • Treating any infections and preventing future infection
  • It helps in healing from any gum diseases.
  • Teeth cleaning from above and below the gum line.
  • It helps in curing bad breath, which is caused by the presence of tartar and plaque.
  • Protecting the roots and bones of the teeth.

Disadvantages of Deep Cleaning

As mentioned earlier, deep cleaning comes with consequences. It may be cleaning your teeth and gums, but it has its risks. Before going for deep cleaning, you should keep the following few lines in your mind.

  • It can damage your nerve cells near teeth
  • It does not imply the promise of gum reattachment to teeth.
  • It can induce gum recession.
  • Your gums and teeth may get infected if you have hypersensitivity towards any products used.
  • It can cause tremendous pain after cleaning.

Regardless of the risk, deep cleaning is essential for proper oral health. The consequences may only last for 3-5 days. And even if you face difficulty, you can always visit your dentist, and your problems can get cured with a few antibiotics.


Deep cleaning is good for your dental health, and you must not worry about tooth loss until you are consulting the right dentist.

Do not risk cleaning your teeth from any amateur dentists as they may not perform the process well.

And make sure to ask your dentist before deep cleaning, “Can teeth fall out after deep cleaning?”

They may give the best advice and tips which are suitable to you after examining your teeth. Therefore, do not worry and take a wise step to secure your oral health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Painful to Get A Deep Cleaning at The Dentist?

It is a bit painful and uncomfortable while cleaning. But after it is done, you may experience swelling and sensitivity at your gums for some days. It will get well with time.

How Long Does It Take for Gums to Heal After Deep Cleaning?

In most cases, it takes five days to a week maximum to heal after deep cleaning. 

Are Deep Cleanings Worth It?

Yes, deep cleaning is essential for your dental health. It can save your gums and teeth from infections and gum diseases.

Will Teeth Tighten After Deep Cleaning? 

Yes. Your teeth will tighten after deep cleaning. This is because after removing plaque and tartar from the gum line and pockets of spaces between the gums and teeth, gums and roots reattach to your teeth and eventually tighten them up.

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